Playing on the snow with the gopro 360 max

We're back to the mountains! This year things are different, we have to maintain distance from others, wear masks while in line and inside the lodge, and we're riding the gondola and chairlifts by ourselves instead of sharing with others. It's strange, but it feels great to be back on the snow!

Masks are challenging when you wear glasses, my husband's glasses fog constantly, so there's a lot of adaptation involved.

All super worth it for some fun turns on the snow!

We recently got the gopro 360 max and and are learning how to take advantage of its cool features. The camera has two lenses, one on the front and one on the back, creating some super cool footage.

One of the cool features of this camera is that if you mount the camera perfectly straight with the pole, the camera and the pole disappear from the shot creating some pretty cool images that will look like someone else was doing the video.

On the picture below, you can see the pole shadow but no pole on my husband's hand:

On this picture, where I'm getting up and getting ready to ride, you can see my right hand well, I was holding the selfie stick but it completely disappears from the footage along with the camera:

Here's another example, where I'm riding and holding the “invisible” selfie stick:

This is how we normally mount other cameras at the end of a selfie stick:

And here is an example of what happens if the gopro 360 max is not flat at the end of the pole but facing you or facing forward instead. The camera disappears but you can still see the pole on the shot:

Enjoy this video with some of my 360 view experiments on the snow:

Here are my two very first videos using the gopro 360 max. Still lots to learn, but definitely a fun toy :–)

Sending lots of love from the mountains to everyone!

Cintia & David