Sweet potato chocolate spread

I use baked orange sweet potatoes to make many things: veggie burgers, sauces, muffins, puddings... they are a wonderful ingredient.

I've made lots of versions of sweet potato chocolate puddings, it's super easy to make and can be a very wholesome dessert.

This last weekend we went hiking for a few days and I cooked some food to bring with us to avoid having to eat out. I was going to make a batch of sweet potato pudding, but when I was gathering the ingredients, I thought it could be interesting to make it on the thick side and use it as a spread for some sandwiches to bring on the hike. It was a super last minute thing but was a success! We made sandwiches with peanut butter and this spread.

And enjoyed them on the top of the mountain.

The base of the pudding is: sweet potatoes, dates, cocoa or cacao powder and non dairy milk.

Other ingredients can be: vanilla extract, cinnamon, cayenne, peanut butter, maple syrup, hemp seeds and a pinch of salt.

It's fun to experiment and try different combinations.

This time, for a thicker texture, I used the following:

🌿 ½ cup of medjool dates (pitted)

🌿 ½ cup of unsweetened non dairy milk ( I used soy)

🌿 ¼ cup of unsweetened cocoa powder

🌿 2 cups of baked sweet potatoes

🌿 ¼ cup of hemp seeds

🌿 1 tsp of vanilla extract

🌿 1/16 tsp of cayenne

🌿 pinch of salt

✋🏾 Bake the sweet potatoes whole with the skin for about 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

✋🏾 It's always a good idea to soak the dates so it's easier to blend them. Soak the dates in the milk in the blender jar for at least a half hour.

✋🏾 Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender

✋🏾 Blend until smooth

Note: I had to stop the blender a few times and scrape the sides of the blender jar with a spatula. The pudding is easier to make since there is more liquid. For the pudding I use double the amount of milk.

Cocoa versus cacao: Cacao powder is bitter than cocoa powder, if using cacao, start with half the amount and add more if needed, cacao is stronger than cocoa.

Final note: Have fun experimenting!

Watch this video for a visual of the process:

